The Alföldi Suta Racka (polled Zackel) was the typical native sheep breed of the world of small farms in the southern part of the Great Hungarian Plain (Alföld) still for a few years after World War II. Usually they were kept in smaller flocks of 15 to 50 sheep in the farmsteads respectively. However in holdings with more grazing lands they were in larger flocks of 70 to 100 sheep. In Hódmezővásárhely the course of breeding was set by this breed developed from Hungarian and ‘csákovai’ (Ciacova) sheep. Back in 1946, the Hódmezővásárhelyi Állattenyésztési Egyesület Juhtenyésztési Szakosztálya (Sheep Breeding Section of Animal Breeding Association in Hódmezővásárhely) pointed out that 90 percent of sheep in Vásárhely was Racka. It is a triple purpose sheep breed. Milk and mutton play part in supplying with food, while fur and felt have role in clothing. As an apt wording says: “As long as there will be peasants on the back of the Earth, sheepskin coats, fur trimmed spencer and lambskin hats will be always needed!”