It is a fine boned, single purpose, white mutton breed. The Charollais has excellent maternal traits, high progeny of 1.7 to 1.8 and an excellent milk yield. They are early maturing seasonal breeders; the ewe lambs can be mated from the age of 7 months. The Charollais lambs can be characterized by good meat shapes (mutton conformation). They have high growth vigour and reach or exceed a weight of 25 kg by the age of 70 days. In commercial crossing, the lambs from Charollais rams show a slight fat level (desirable proportion of fat and lean) even at a weight of 40 kg. The weight gain of lambs ranges from 350 to 400 g. Mature weights for ewes range from 70 to 80 kg, and ram weights vary from 90 to 110 kg.